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WHO Seeks to Revive Stalled Inquiry into COVID-19 Origins

The World Health Organization is reviving its stalled investigation into the origins of COVID-19 with a new team of about 20 scientists. The team—including specialists in laboratory safety and biosecurity and geneticists and animal-disease experts versed in how viruses spill over from nature—is being assembled with a mandate to find new evidence in China and elsewhere. The possibilities that the new team is charged with examining include whether the COVID-19 virus could have emerged from a lab, according to WHO officials.

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OP-ED: I Was the Architect of Operation Warp Speed. I Have a Message for All Americans --get vaccinated .

By Alex Azar,Secrteary of HHS in the Trump administration


Among the many debatable issues around Covid-19 is one unassailable fact: The coronavirus is nonpartisan. It makes no judgment about one’s political leanings. The vaccines that were developed to fight this virus have no political bias, either.

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