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COVID patents in ICU more likely to acqire infections than those with the flu--study


Hospitalized patients with COVID-19 who required intensive care unit (ICU) treatment were more likely to acquire infections than those hospitalized with influenza, according to a new study in Scientific Reports.

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COVID Pandemic impact studied to help improve resiliency of health care in times of crisis

Researchers draw insights from COVID-19 to inform improved health care in times of crisis (

In research recently published in Nature Medicine, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute's Jianxi Gao, Ph.D., associate professor of computer science, and his team measured the resilience and adaptability of our health care system to disruptions caused by COVID-19. Resilience is a system's ability to absorb and recover from disruptions. Adaptability is a system's ability to learn from previous disturbances where there are recurrent disruptions. ...

"We found that our health care systems in the United States exhibit substantial adaptability, but only a moderate level of resilience," said Gao. "Our findings can inform the design of resilient and sustainable health care systems to prepare for future disruptions, whether they are caused by pandemics, , conflicts, or anything else."





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No increased risk of birth defects after COVID-19 infection or vaccination in early pregnancy --study

Study finds no increased risk of birth defects after COVID-19 infection or vaccination in early pregnancy (

Neither COVID-19 infection nor vaccination during the first trimester of pregnancy is associated with increased risk of major birth defects, finds a study from Scandinavia published by The BMJ today.


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