How the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally may have spread coronavirus across the Upper Midwest

OVERVIEW:As the Coronavirus Surges, a New Culprit Emerges: Pandemic Fatigue


CHICAGO — When the coronavirus began sweeping around the globe this spring, people from Seattle to Rome to London canceled weddings and vacations, cut off visits with grandparents and hunkered down in their homes for what they thought would be a brief but essential period of isolation.

But summer did not extinguish the virus. And with fall has come another dangerous, uncontrolled surge of infections that in parts of the world is the worst of the pandemic so far.

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Frozen food package polluted by living coronavirus could cause infection, China's CDC says

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Pandemic driving children back to work, jeopardizing gains

'A harrowing time.' Ten states reported their highest number of new coronavirus cases on Friday

As covid-19 cases surge, global study paints grim picture for elder-care homes

Asia-Pacific region overview

New virus restrictions in Europe; Merkel warns of hard days

BERLIN (AP) — Chancellor Angela Merkel urged Germans to come together like they did in the spring to slow the spread of the coronavirus as the country posted another daily record of new cases Saturday.

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COMMENT: Preexisting Conditions of the Coronavirus Pandemic

Global rise in chronic diseases combined with Covid-19 bodes ill for world health

Feds planning now to get coronavirus shots to nursing homes

WASHINGTON (AP) — Federal health officials on Friday unveiled a plan to get yet-to-be-approved coronavirus vaccines to nursing home residents free of charge, enlisting two national pharmacy chains to help.

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A Rapid Test Offers Hope for Community Screening

A $5 rapid test for the coronavirus may be nearly as effective as the slower, more complex polymerase chain reaction test for identifying people who may spread the coronavirus, a novel experiment has found.

The study, conducted by scientists at the University of California, San Francisco, is among the first head-to-head comparisons of a rapid test and the P.C.R. diagnostic tool under real-world conditions.

But the number of participants was comparatively small, and the data have not been peer-reviewed or published. A rapid test still cannot conclusively determine that an individual is not infected; the tests are intended primarily to detect the presence of high levels of the virus, rather than its absence, and are authorized only to evaluate symptomatic people.

At the moment, anyone who has been exposed to the virus should be tested by P.C.R., said Joseph DeRisi, an infectious disease expert at U.C.S.F. and a co-leader of the project.

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ANALYSIS: Inside the Fall of the CDC- in depth

Extra safety scrutiny planned as virus vaccine worries grow

Facing public skepticism about rushed COVID-19 vaccines, U.S. health officials are planning extra scrutiny of the first people vaccinated when shots become available — an added safety layer experts call vital.

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People with Type O blood may be less likely to get the coronavirus or develop severe complications-- new studies


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