Major new climate study rules out less severe global warming scenarios

Are the Kids really safe as President Trump suggested?

Sweden Says Covid Immunity Can Last 6 Months After Infection

Sweden’s top health authority says people who have had the novel coronavirus are likely to be immune for at least six months after being infected, whether they’ve developed antibodies or not.

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Foreign Aid from top donors drops even as need soars

JOHANNESBURG (AP) — A new snapshot of the frantic global response to the coronavirus pandemic shows some of the world’s largest government donors of humanitarian aid are buckling under the strain: Funding commitments, for the virus and otherwise, have dropped by a third from the same period last year.

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U.S. reaches deal with Pfizer, BioNTech to distribute potential coronavirus vaccine

Updated CDC guide says self isolate for 10 days after positive COVID test

U.S. charges Chinese hackers for targeting COVID-19 vaccine research

C.D.C. says the number of people infected ‘far exceeds the number of reported cases’ in parts of the U.S.

 The number of people infected with the coronavirus in different parts of the United States was anywhere from two to 13 times higher than the reported rates for those regions, according to data released Tuesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The findings suggest that large numbers of people who did not have symptoms or did not seek medical care may have kept the virus circulating in their communities. The study is the largest of its kind to date, although some early data was released last month.

“These data continue to show that the number of people who have been infected with the virus that causes Covid-19 far exceeds the number of reported cases,” Dr. Fiona Havers, the C.D.C. researcher who led the study, said in an email. “Many of these people likely had no symptoms or mild illness and may have had no idea that they were infected.”

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While the latest research suggests that antibodies against Covid-19 could be lost in just three months, a new hope has appeared on the horizon: the enigmatic T cell.

ANALYSIS: How America’fumbled its response to the coronavirus

Testing Backlogs May Cloud the True Spread of the Coronavirus

Public health experts say delays in testing continue to hinder attempts to track and contain the spread of disease.

As demand for coronavirus testing surges around the nation, laboratories that process samples are again experiencing backlogs that have left anxious patients and their doctors waiting days — sometimes a week or more — for results.

At the city and state levels, testing delays could mask persistent rises in case numbers and could cloud ways to combat the coronavirus, as health officials continue to find themselves one step behind the virus’s rapid and often silent spread, experts said.

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Worldwide: Tracking the spread of the novel coronavirus

At least 605,782 people globally have died from COVID-19 and 14,576,899 have been infected by the novel coronavirus that causes it, following an outbreak that started in Wuhan, China, in early December. The World Health Organization referred to it as a pandemic on March 11, 2020.

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Superspreading’ events, triggered by people who may not even know they are infected, propel coronavirus pandemic

Symptom tracker app reveals six distinct types of COVID-19 infection

LONDON (Reuters) - British scientists analysing data from a widely-used COVID-19 symptom-tracking app have found there are six distinct types of the disease, each distinguished by a cluster of symptoms.

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Israeli doctor reinfected with coronavirus 3 months after recovering

JERUSALEM--A doctor from Sheba Medical Center in Ramat Gan (a suburb of Tel Aviv) has been confirmed as infected with the coronavirus, three months after she recovered from the virus, according to Channel 13.

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