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UPDATE Tracking the spread of the novel coronavirus --Reuters

At least 766,383 people globally have died from COVID-19 and 21,577,190 have been infected by the novel coronavirus that causes it, following an outbreak that started in Wuhan, China, in early December. The World Health Organization referred to it as a pandemic on March 11, 2020.

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Africa begins continent-wide study of COVID-19 antibodies

JOHANNESBURG (AP) — An Africa-wide study of antibodies to the coronavirus has begun, while evidence from a smaller study indicates that many more people have been infected than official numbers show, the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Thursday.

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Coronavirus in Europe: Infections surge in France, Germany and Spain

Germany has recorded its biggest daily increase in coronavirus cases in more than three months as European countries struggle to curb a surge in infections.

More than 1,200 cases were reported in Germany in the past 24 hours. Officials said the rise was due, in part, to people returning from holidays.

It came as Germany warned against non-essential trips to parts of Spain.

Meanwhile, France had 2,524 new cases in 24 hours, the highest daily rise since its lockdown was lifted in May.

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Why does COVID-19 strike some and not others? Fauci sees an answer in new study

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s leading infectious disease expert, said a new study could explain the extraordinary range that people experience with the novel coronavirus, from having no symptoms at all or a mild case to hospitalization or death.

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