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Disease Prevention

Prelimninary Research Indicates Most of the World’s Vaccines Likely Won’t Prevent Infection From Omicron

A growing body of preliminary research suggests the Covid vaccines used in most of the world offer almost no defense against becoming infected by the highly contagious Omicron variant.

All vaccines still seem to provide a significant degree of protection against serious illness from Omicron, which is the most crucial goal. But only the Pfizer and Moderna shots, when reinforced by a booster, appear to have initial success at stopping infections, and these vaccines are unavailable in most of the world.

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OPINION: Global game plan needed to fight the global covid-19 pandemic

For many months in 2020, Covid-19 was the No. 1 cause of death in the U.S. And deaths this year have already surpassed last year.

Americans tend to see this pandemic through the lens of American losses. But neither the original virus nor the five Greek-lettered variants of concern began in the U.S. Wherever the next more-infectious variants begin, they will inevitably circle the globe.

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