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UK science advisers warn of darker COVID-19 days ahead

LONDON (AP) — Britain’s top medical advisers on Monday painted a grim picture of exponential growth in illness and death if nothing is done to control the second wave of coronavirus infections, laying the groundwork for the government to announce new restrictions later this week.

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OVERVIEW: Virus toll reaches 200,000 in U.S., nearly 1 million worldwide

It is a staggering toll, almost 200,000 people dead from the coronavirus in the United States, and close to one million people around the world.

And the pandemic, which sent cases spiking skyward in many countries and then trending downward after lockdowns, has reached a precarious point. Will countries like the United States see the virus continue to slow? Or is a new surge on the way?

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Drug shows promise in 1st largely minority COVID-19 study

A drug company said Friday that a medicine it sells to tamp down inflammation has helped prevent the need for breathing machines in hospitalized COVID-19 patients in the first large study that primarily enrolled Hispanics and Blacks.

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CDC reverses controversial coronavirus guidance that said people without symptoms may not need a test

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Friday reversed controversial coronavirus testing guidance that said people who were exposed to an infected person but weren’t showing any symptoms did “not necessarily need a test.”

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